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- Orthodontics - Braces
- Wireless Orthodontic Treatment with Transparent Plaques
- Lingual (Hidden Wire) Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects incorrect positioning of teeth and jaws. Crowded teeth are more difficult to keep clean, so more tooth loss is seen due to dental caries and periodontal disease. It can cause pain in the chewing muscles, neck, shoulder and back. Correct positioning of the teeth is also very important from an aesthetic point of view.

The benefits of orthodontic treatment include a healthier mouth, a more pleasant appearance and healthy teeth for life.

Your orthodontist can determine if you need orthodontic treatment. An accurate treatment plan can be created based on diagnostic tools that include a complete medical and dental health history, clinical examination, plaster models of the teeth, x-rays and photographs.

The first orthodontic examination is recommended as 6 years of age in current treatment approaches. Effective and permanent results are obtained with the intervention of some of the following orthodontic disorders at an appropriate age. As of the age of 6, it should be ensured that your child can be prevented and injured from preventive treatments at an early age with a specialist physician examination.

You may need orthodontic treatment if you have any of the following:

– Dentistry or skeletal stenosis in the lower or upper jaw should be treated at an early age.

- Crowding - crooked alignment of the teeth as a result of shortness of space or narrowness of the jaw

- Diastema - missing teeth or spaces between teeth

- Crossbite – may be caused by stenosis of the jaw and may cause asymmetries reflected on the face.

- Deep bite – a situation where the upper teeth cover the lower teeth more than normal

- Open bite - the upper teeth and lower teeth do not cover each other, the teeth do not close during closing

- Midline deviation – a situation where the middle of the face is between the lower or upper teeth, or the midlines that are inconsistent with the face.


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